Acai Super Breakfast
When I am looking at food as medicine, I consider the health properties of each individual ingredient and how they can be combined to create something delicious that also serves my body, mind, and soul. One of my favorite superfoods is the Acai berries. These berries, native to the Brazilian rainforest, are considered a nutrient-dense super fruit. They were a staple food for the indigenous people of the Amazon region, and it’s no wonder. Acai berries are a powerhouse of nutrients, high in fiber, healthy fats, antioxidants, and vitamins A and C. They even surpass other fruits like blueberries and cranberries in antioxidant content levels. For an easy, health-packed power breakfast, try this simple recipe for an Acai breakfast bowl that is simple to make and packed with goodness. I also like to use the fresh fruit I can get locally and in season, not the Acai, of course, because it does not grow in my region. This breakfast gives me the natural energy to start my day strong and reminds me that Hippocrates was correct, food really is medicine, and it has the potential to nourish all of me, body, mind, and soul.
Recipe: You can change this up with any seasonal fruit of your choice
Acai, sorbet Lg Scoop frozen (i cup)
Granola org. (½ Cup) sprinkled on top
Papaya sliced or halved
Banana sliced into rounds
Raspberries (5-10)
Blackberries (5-10)
Lime (1 wedge)
My personal journey into the world of nutrient-dense whole foods began during my time at a vegan restaurant in Paia, Maui called The Raw Experience I worked there from 1997 to 1999.
It was here that I truly understood the connection to the kitchen from the abundance of the gardens and the wild jungle, and how this food was not just sustenance, but medicine for our body, mind, and soul.